United Power Generation & Distribution Company Limited

Nature of business The principal activity of the Company is to generate electricity by two gas fired power plants, one at DEPZ with 88 MW capacity and the other at CEPZ with 72 MW capacity and to sell generated electricity to the export processing industries located inside DEPZ and CEPZ with the provision of selling surplus power outside the Export Processing Zones (EPZs) after fulfilling their requirement.
Reason for IPO Proceeds from initial public offering (IPO) will be used for Full redemption of redeemable cumulative preference share (Tk.1,490,000,000), Repayment of long-term loan (Tk. 792,000,000),Working Capital (Tk. 27,908,238), and IPO expenses (Tk.66,091,762).
Subscription open 18 Jan 2015
Subscription close 22 Jan 2015
Subscription close for NRB 18 Jan 2015 to 31 Jan 2015
Offer price Tk. 72.0
Face value per share Tk. 10.0
Market lot 100 units
Single lot price Tk. 7200.0
EPS Tk. 5.98 for the year ended on December 31, 2013
NAV Tk. 23.64 as on December 31, 2013
Public offer
Major product Generation and distribution of electricity is the principal products and services of the Company. The electricity produced from the Company’s power plants is sold to Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Association (BEPZA).
Issue Manager LankaBangla Investments Limited
Website http://www.unitedpowerbd.com/
