Khulna Printing & Packaging Limited

Nature of business The Company is engaged in printing & packaging solutions for food stuffs within shortest period
Reason for IPO Proceeds from initial public offering (IPO) will be used for repayment of term loan and working capital requirement
Subscription open 04 May 2014
Subscription close 08 May 2014
Subscription close for NRB 04 May 2014 to 17 May 2014
Offer price Tk. 10.0
Face value per share Tk. 10.0
Market lot 500 units
Single lot price Tk. 5000.0
EPS Tk. 2.82 for the year ended on June 30, 2013
NAV Tk. 24.26 as on June 30, 2013
Public offer
Major product The Company currently has three types of products, which are as follows: 1. Printing (Poly printing Paper Printing etc.) 2. Packaging (Master Carton, Inner Carton, Master Sticker, Inner Sticker/Rider, Poly Sheet/Bag) 3. Laminating
Issue Manager Sonali Investment Limited
