Pacific Denims Limited

Nature of business The main activities of the Company are concentrated in Manufacturing, Dyeing, Weaving and Finishing of 100% Export Oriented Denim Fabrics and exporting the same. The company produces a single product ‘denim fabrics’ of various specifications, compositions, color and qualities.
Reason for IPO Partial Loan Pay off 250,000,000 (33.33%) Business Expansion 479,380,000 (63.92%) IPO Expense 20,620,000 (2.75%) Total 750,000,000 (100%)
Subscription open 11 Dec 2016
Subscription close 19 Dec 2016
Subscription close for NRB 11 Dec 2016 to 19 Dec 2016
Offer price Tk. 10.0
Face value per share Tk. 10.0
Market lot 500 units
Single lot price Tk. 5000.0
EPS Tk. 2.63 (Basic as well as Adjusted) for the year ended on December 31, 2015
NAV Tk. 26.43 (including revaluation reserve) and Tk. 22.59 (excluding revaluation reserve) as on December 31, 2015
Public offer
Major product The Company produces a single product ‘denim fabrics’ of various specifications, compositions, color and qualities.
Issue Manager AFC Capital Limited
